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Crom Reader Request…

Crom reader Xonan has requested some decent sized Conan covers by Salvador Fabá and Jaime Brocal Remohí, more specifically those shown only as thumbnails on Tebeosfera (here).

After doing some digging in some of my typical Conan comic cover stomping grounds (The Grand Comics Database, Universo Marvel, Cover Browser, Comic Collector Live, Comic Vine, Mineserier.No) as well as some not so usual places, I’ve only managed to come up with one of those, a Salvador Fabá cover…

But here are a few others by those two great artists!

Salvador Fabá
(click to enlarge)

Jaime Brocal Remohí
(click to enlarge, and no three alarm fire here, but yet another booby alert!)

If anyone knows where to find other reasonably sized versions of Conan covers by either of these two artists, or knows of other great Conan comic book resources such as the ones I’ve listed above, please let us know!

*** UPDATE ***

Here's one more Fabá cover:


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