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Swords And Scrolls Challenge!

CROM! readers seem like a very intelligent and witty bunch, and I suspect that many of you (much like myself) have had a burning desire to be an editor for The Savage Sword of Conan, but the opportunity just never presented itself...well here's your chance! I picked a couple of diss-worthy letters from days gone by, and am hoping you can help these poor chaps out...

OK people, Todd and/or Kevin are anxious to read your sagely responses! I have little to offer in return, other than including them in a post at some future date, and, um...how does a lifetime subscription to CROM! sound?

Conan Crossover!

I'll admit, I'm not a big fan of crossovers...but when I saw this Conan fan creation, I immediately thought THIS IS SO RIGHT! Yup, it's Conan and Garfield, together at last!!

Thanks to Ian McDonald for those! You can check out the originals, and Ian's Bruno the Bandit comics out HERE! Oh, and sorry Ian, for all the changes I made to your original version...all the credit goes to you sir!

Actress Parvathi Melton Photo Gallery

Tamil Glamour Heroine Parvathi Melton in White dress

South Indian Actress Parvathi Melton Hot Photo Section

Hot Parvati Melton Gallery
Sexy Hot Parvathi Melton Stills

Hot Parvati Melton Gallery - Sexy Parvathi Melton Photos

Hot Parvati Melton Gallery - Sexy Parvathi Melton Photos

The Mammoth Hunters!

This was one mammoth translation, so the title of the story seems quite fitting…it’s “The Mammoth Hunters”, 45 pages of Conan greatness, never before seen in English! This one originally appeared in Spanish, by way of Editorial Planeta's La Espada Salvaje de Conan (The Savage Sword of Conan) #4 (3rd era), featuring a script by none other than Chuck Dixon!!! You know Chuck, right? Savage Sword of Conan? Conan the Savage? Conan the Usurper? In my opinion, the best damn writer Marvel ever had (well, right after Roy Thomas)…Sorry Chuck!

Check out this Conan…big, badass, bloody, and beautiful, courtesy of Argentinian artist Rubén Meriggi!

And, well, one cool cover by Blas Gallego!

Download via Rapidshare or Megaupload…pick one, Stygian dog!  Sure the script has taken quite a beating (being translated into Spanish and then loosely translated back into English), but at least the story makes sense. With any luck, Mr. Dixon will see this post, and not wanting his name associated with my second rate script, be kind enough to hook us up with the original!

April Hunter Does Red Sonja!

Courtesy of BoomBoom's Red Sonja Tribute , It's April Hunter in some damn sexy Red Sonja gear!!

The only thing better would be Cromsblood does April Hunter, or perhaps Cromsblood does April Hunter doing Red Sonja. Cromsblood drooling now, and will stop referring to himself in the third person.

Rihanna Nipple Ring Pictures


Planning on re-enacting your favorite Conan/Red Sonja battle scenes out behind the barn? You'll need some accessories....you might as well start with a Conan the Barbarian Atlantean Sword from myArmoury.com...

And a bunch of other cool gear from Shogun...

Ah, hell...while you're at Shogun, why not pick up his & hers "purity" belts, and maybe a "slapper" or two?

And for the Sonja's out there, stop by Chainmail & More for some chainmail fit for any fiery haired Hyrkanian...

If you don't see anything in your size there, perhaps swing by Hawkwolf's Armoury and Accoutrements and have a look around!

Yep, you just might be needing one of those "purity" belts after all...I'm a little unnerved by the way you're eye-balling that mannequin.

This post originally aired on the soon to be defunct REH Illustrated.

Actress Karthika Radha Photo Gallery (Radha Daughter Karthika Photos)

Radha's Daughter Karthika Photos

More Solomon Kane Videos!

Behind the Scenes Trailer!

The Director Diary!

Solomon Kane Q&A!

And if you just can't get enough of the official Solomon Kane Trailer, follow this link to watch it in hi-res!

Vengeance at Sea!

From Spain, a story that originally appeared in Editorial Planeta's La Espada Salvaje de Conan (The Savage Sword of Conan) #7 (3rd era). The cover of this issue, below, courtesy of the one and only Esteban Maroto!

And here it is, "Vengeance at Sea" (another somewhat loosey goosey English translation of course), written by Lorenzo Marzaduri and Sergio Rotino, and featuring the artwork of Massimo Roca!

(click images to enlarge)

Again, a big THANKS! goes out to Carlos Yáñez for the heads up!

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