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Mego Conan Gets Some New Gear!

You guys may remember a little while back when my homeboy, Greg, hooked me up with a sweet vintage Conan Mego action figure and that I went all googley-eyed over because I had been searching for one since I was 13 years old. You can read my gushing post about that HERE. Well, you may also remember that the figure wasn't completely complete as far as completeness goes. And such was my love for this figure that I just had to get the poor fellow some new gear!

So I went to a site called Dr. Mego's Repros, who specializes in reproduction parts for vintage Mego action figures. The site is downright crazy looking so I was a little worried about ordering from him at first, but sometimes when you need a reproduction Conan axe, you can't be too choosy. Turns out that this guy is top notch!

Well, $30 and three weeks later my prized Conan Mego action figure is looking sharp with his brand new boots, belts, sword and axe! I've just gotta stop typing so you all can see him in all his glory...


CROM! That's one bad ass looking Mego! So thanks to Dr. Mego for making repro parts available to collectors and once again, mad crazy thanks to Greg for one of the greatest birthday presents I ever received! (By the way, Greg's birthday was last Monday, so everyone say happy birthday to him for me!)

I'm going to say it again... CROM!

Gemma Atkinson Bikini Picture

Another picture of Gemma wearing a bikini, this time it is a gorgeous black one with Gemma's tattoo visible on her stomache.

gemma atkinson bikini

Conan Tattoo Flash!

I'm probably one of the biggest Conan fans in the world, and I happen to be pretty well inked up, too, so finding this pic got me jazzed on all fronts! Tattoo flash is the artwork you see on tattoo shop walls, where people can walk in, look it all over and then go, "I want that one!" Now, most tattoo artists I know hate using flash, but it's an evil necessity of the business.

I've thought about getting a Conan tattoo, but if I did, I'd probably go with a sweet Buscema/Chan design from the comics rather than one of these poorly rendered monstrosities. But, badly drawn or not, these are still pretty bitchin' and a nice addition the Conan pop culture phenomenon.


I love this one because it looks like Conan is about to bust a move. Break dancing Conan! CROM!


Bollywood Celebs in Transparent Dresses

Bollywood Celebs in Transparent Dresses

Hot Hyrkanian Warrior Babe with a Sword!

Just because....





Conan Collectible Card Game!

Hail! I'm sure a lot of you have heard of the Conan CCG that came out a few years ago. Apparently it didn't sell too well, because they came and went faster than a Zamoran trollop. I never found any of the decks or booster packs. Oh well. I did manage to find some scans online and thought I'd repost them here for the hell of it.

After looking at the cards, this game looked really fun, but alas...


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Music wallpaper

Game Wallpaper and Pictures

Computer Desktop Wallpaper

Natalie Portman - Starting a religion with her as the deity?

Natalie Portman max bro

Sarah S Sarah S
Starting a religion with Natalie Portman as the deity?
i want to do this. any ideas on how to get started?
  • The Incredible Edible Phoenix by The Incredible Edible Phoenix
    Well you have your first disciple right here.


  • physicsguy89 by physicsg...
    is this a serious question??

    youre the most ignorant person ive ever seen

  • David H the Green Kitteh by David H the Green Kitteh
    Naw, I'm not even a fan of her.

  • Sexist Pig by Seexist Pig
    Make two shrines of her. Keep one in your closet with candles by it and keep one in your front yard.

  • Bob K by Bob K
    wow thats just bad u want to worship some random celebrity its pretty pathetic

  • angel by angel
    Dream on girl, you will just be another of the many false teachers that Jesus spoke about in the Bible. You will come to ruin.

  • CatholicToTheMax by Catholic...
    I think physicsguy89 would be second after Phoenix. LOL. You might want to inform Natalie she is being worshiped!

  • fancier_rmv04 by fancier_...
    I never heard of a goddess being a mere human.

  • acolytesofdagon by acolytes...
    i think Gackt Camui or Atsushi Sakurai would be better they are just rawr!
    eyes...more specifically my eyes

  • bookish-poet by bookish-...
    My gosh. You must really be bored today.

  • grnlow by grnlow
    Well, there was a small cult in California that worshiped Raquel Welch's Bra in the '60s. Natalie Portman is a little bit larger, barely.

  • James E by James E
    If it's a fertility cult count me in! First you need a ridiculous mythology to explain why your Deity is Master of the Universe the more absurd, contradictory and illogical your dogma is the better. Then you need to fleece your flock hire some look alikes to attend your churches. and you're on your way.

  • Tiffany Bean by Tiffany Bean
    there's a church for john coltrane in san francisco! u should see what they do and do the same thing. we drove by there when i was a kid and my dad wanted to stop but mom said no way! he still talks about it all the time! poor dad! i think natalie portman would make an excellent deity, cuz she's calm and she's not afraid to shave her head! those are important qualities that belie a magnanimous, spiritual entity. she would be a good god like buddha or john coltrane or that nice god from the new testament, not an evil god like yahweh from the old testament. she would never smote us or smite us or whatever the word is. yeah, i think i'll join your religion, it sounds good. and remember, the most successful religions have excellent extra-curricular activities!! ;-)

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