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Natalie Portman - Everyone Says I Love You

Natalie Portman pictureNatalie Portman played as Laura Dandridge in "Everyone Says I Love You"... It is a Golden Globe-nominated musical film written and directed by Woody Allen. The film features many stars, including Julia Roberts, Alan Alda, Edward Norton, Drew Barrymore, Gaby Hoffmann, Tim Roth, Goldie Hawn, and Natalie Portman.

Set in New York, Venice, and Paris, "Everyone Says I Love You" film features a rarely used device of having songs sung by ordinary actors not known for their singing. "Everyone Says I Love You" was among the more critically successful of Allen's later films. Chicago Sun-Times critic Roger Ebert once said that it was his favorite of all Allen's films, calling it simply "the best" (but also claimed that Match Point was his best film since Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Although a musical, "Everyone Says I Love You" is rated R by the MPAA for one use of strong language, but there are mature themes throughout.


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