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Natalie Portman - Blackberry phone - Star Luck out

Natalie Portman pictureNatalie Portman, Julianne Moore and Jude Law could have been screwed big time b/coz a young guy Kent Devy in England recently purchased a cellphone that still had their telephone numbers, according to Contact Music.

Kent Devy had bought a Blackberry phone on eBay, but realized the Blackberry still had the address book of the previous owner, including contact information for a number or Hollywood folks: actors, movie producers, as well as writers.

Kent Devy wasn’t sure the telephone numbers were authentic until he called actress Julie Walters and heard her voice mail message. He said:

"As I started to look through the phone’s features, I noticed one of the emails hadn’t been wiped off. I started to recognise some of the names and then I saw Jude Law’s number. It’s a genuine mistake."

Apparently, the Blackberry was previously owned by an associate producer for Steven Daldry Pictures and has since returned the phone. What an honest guy!

A rep for Steven Daldry’s company confirmed that Devey contacted them and announced they will be rewarding him:

"We’re grateful he will be returning the phone to us. We will be offering him a replacement Blackberry and some free tickets to see the Billy Elliot stage show."

That’s it??? WTF? Big deal! Actors Natalie Portman, Julianne Moore and Jude Law should be giving him a hell of a lot more than that for returning it! In fact, Actors Natalie Portman, Julianne Moore and Jude Law mentioned should personally thank him for not spreading their private information all over the place!


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