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Remember Alex Brown Foundation

Remember Alex Brown Foundation : Driving it requires high concentration and because it is not advisable to drive while SMS's.

Now, the star of Hollywood are mobilizing forces to campaign for anti-"SMS" while driving. Hopefully business "Emma Roberts" and his friends have a big enough impact in suppressing the number of traffic accidents due to this SMS.

Not just "Emma Roberts" was involved this campaign. "Justin Bieber" was applying to join the "Remember Alex Brown Foundation," which was made to resuscitate the driver about the dangers of "SMS" when driving a motor vehicle. "Alex Brown" is one of the victims of driving while SMS's. The 17-year-old teenager died when he experienced motor vehicle accident some time ago.

"After hearing the story of Alex, I realized that SMS's while driving is a big problem. Especially if it happens to someone who was very young - it's so like a message that reminds us," says "Emma Roberts" who could imagine how hard it if if he had lost his brother because of such tragic events.

In the same news was also mentioned that "Justin Bieber" even willing to hand over U.S. $ 1 from every concert ticket sold for the foundation "Remember Alex Brown Foundation. "


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