Kaiju Location Presentation At Monsterpalooza
by Armand VaquerAbove, Armand Vaquer at the Godzilla statue at Toho Studios.
My presentation at Monsterpalooza will be Friday, April 8 at 8:00 PM, following Peter H. Brothers. If there are any changes, they will be posted at this blog.
My presentation will consist of:
Ever wanted to travel to Japan to see the landmarks Godzilla and friends demolished? Armand Vaquer, author of "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan," will give a one-hour presentation on giant monster (kaiju) locations fans can visit in Japan. He will discuss what movie(s) the locations appeared in and what attractions are nearby. A slide show of the locations will be shown during his presentation. Attendees of the presentation will be given the opportunity to ask questions.
The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan will be available for sale before and after the presentation.

For more information on Monsterpalooza, go to www.rubberroom101.com.
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