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MORE Conan Movie News!

To add on to the news posted by Cromsblood the other day (great scoop, my brother!) and to finally pass on some info sent to me by intrepid CROM! reader, Rob Rozum, several articles have been cropping up alluding to all kinds of Conan casting, make-up and creature design and other stuff, from ComicBookMovie.com.

Stated one article:

It looks like Lionsgate's new Conan starts shooting February 2010 in Bulgaria. Marcus Nispel ("The Texas Chainsaw Massacre," "Pathfinder") will be directing. Empire has the casting breakdowns, which help understand the characters, and some indication of the plot.

Conan: 20s-30s, Caucasian, the last of the Cimmerians, out for vengeance on Khalar Singh, a formidable warlord and warrior in his 40s or 50s, for whom the producers are "open to all ethnicities".

Singh is looking for Queen Ilira, whose blood will help him raise a demon army. Ilira's handmaiden is Tamara, who allies with Conan in what sounds like a Red Sonja hot amazon role. And there's Ukafa, Singh's untrustworthy henchman for whom a massive African or African American is required.

There are also supporting roles for Conan's dad Corin, who teaches his son the Riddle of Steel; Fariq, Khalar Singh's son and heir, strangely described as a "proto goth-rocker"

Remo the evil wizard; Fassir, a monk protecting Ilira.

Lucius, a mercenary scarred by Conan dumping him into a fiery pit

An unnamed one-eyed thief Conan rescues from Lucius.

Artus, Conan's pirate buddy; and Cheren, Khalar Singh's mystical blind archer.

Now interstingly is the worry for Khalar Singh and the reason he wants to raise a demon army in the first place, could it be arch-wizard Thoth-Amon, he only appears in one original Robert E. Howard Conan story, but is mentioned in a couple of others.

Thoth-Amon was played by Pat Roach in Conan the Destroyer (Love that movie ).

I think this has potential but unsure of the director. I hope Conan finally gets the on screen treatment he deserves.

Another article when on to discuss the art direction and creature design and a shooting date:

Mania broke the exciting news that Scott Wheeler and Shaun Smith of Zack Snyder's comic book movie '300' are on board to do their stuff.

Scott Wheeler will be heading up the makeup department bit and Shaun Smith will be acting as the creature designer on the new 'Conan' adaption. Both of the guys right now are working up the creature schemes for the picture with the director Marcus Nispel (Of the Friday the 13th reboot fame).

Smith confirmed all the news exclusively to Mania saying, "as you might expect I really can't say much except it looks really cool and we are excited to be a part of it."

Filming is soon to commence on the epic big screen return of the barbarian hero 'Conan'. Production plans are to start shooting in Bulgaria next February.

And for those of you with stronger stomachs than mine, there's even talk of Dolf Lundgren being in the film. Mitra preserve us.

To read the full scoop, along with all kinds of other sweet Conan movie speculation and rumor, click your mighty mouse pointer HERE!

Thanks again, Rob, for send me the links!

Conan In Germany!

We're heading into Germany...I hope you've got your passport!

Heyne Publishing (Heyne Verlag) is responsible for almost every book about Conan in Germany. There were 3 series - the first only 11 volumes, the second over 30 volumes, and third an impressive 54 volumes.

The first series featured primarily “traditional” Conan stories, with a mix of Frazetta and other "familiar" Conan novel cover art...

Heyne - Conan Series I

In the second series, the stories were again primarily those of western authors, and all of the covers were images from the Conan the Barbarian movie...I'm only posting a couple of examples below...if you want more cover samples, email me...or better yet, watch the damn film, by CROM!

Heyne - Conan Series II

It's the third series that you may find particularly interesting...again no big suprises with respect to the authors, but the spectacular covers were apparently all painted by accomplished German writer and illustrator Thomas Thiemeyer! Marek has provided us with many of these, and I was able to find a few more, but unfortunately this slideshow only represents two thirds of the series...

Heyne - Conan Series III

If you like what you see, I encourage you to pay Thomas a visit HERE to enjoy many more of his wonderful creations!

Heyne also published Das Conan Universum, by Erhard Ringer, containing many interesting articles, maps, etc. A beautiful 25"x36" color map (61cm x 86cm) came attached with the book, and this map, along with a whole bunch of other mighty fine ones, can be seen HERE!

Heyne - Das Conan Universum

To wrap things up for now, check these out - German Conan audiobooks!

Step aside Heyne, because here comes four Conan stories on cassette, courtesy of German publisher Delta Music! A bit of information about these can be had on the German website poltermuehle.de. Check out the covers...cool!! (sorry about the quality of a couple of these scans, it's the best I could find).

Conan - Delta Music

In closing, Marek, You sir are a god! Once again, a much deserved THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS MATERIAL (and yes, I'm shouting so that you can hear me all the way from Poland)!

Conan Actor Chosen!

If you haven’t heard the news yet, Andrew McLaren has been officially cast in the role of Conan for the upcoming movie, this according to “a friend of a friend” of Andrew, over at The Robert E. Howard Comics Group (that would be you Steve, thanks for the info!).

Now I know that many of you aren’t holding your breath for this movie, but as a “glass half full” kinda guy, I’m expecting an above average S&S flick, regardless of whether it’s the Robert E. Howard Conan, the Paradox/CPI Conan, or some other dude named Conan.

If you want to stay on top of the latest movie developments, you might want to check out Conan, The Movie Blog, and of course The Official Robert E. Howard Website...just don’t expect to find any really hot barbarian chicks there, since we pilfered the best ones a while back.

If you want to find out more about Andrew, including video footage of his previous work, just click on his name above to visit his site!

Arianny Celeste in Maxim

Feels Like Rat?

If you were at Comic-Con '08 in San Diego, and wandered right on past podium #46, let's travel back in time to see what you missed! Courtesy of Sideshow Collectibles!

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