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Red Sonja Visualizer!

This very cool creation is courtesy of Brazilian CROM! reader Siegfried!  It's a Red Sonja skin-mod for the "Visualize Her" WinAmp plug-in...you gotta see it in action to believe it, because the screenshots below simply don't do it justice!

Here's a little taste of what it's all about by way of YouTube (that is, less Siegfried's Sonja mod)...

And here's everything you need to get up and running, in five easy steps!

1.  Download and install WinAmp HERE.

2.  Download and install "Visualize Her" HERE.

3.  Run WinAmp and enable the visualization in WinAmp (i.e. Options - Visualization - Select Plug-in - Mojo Master Visualizer, and click the START button).  Exit WinAmp.

4.  Download the custom Red Sonja skin HERE.

There's actually two Sonja versions, one in the "fine" folder where Sonja is clean and healthy, and another in the "damaged" folder with a battle scarred Sonja dancing on a blood splattered floor.  Open the folder of choice, and copy the files into the MojoMasterMedia folder.

i.e. in Windows XP that's c:\Program Files\Winamp\Plugins\MojoMasterMedia

5.  Run WinAmp and start the visualization.  Kick back and enjoy the show!

Oh, and don't forget to press "Q" while the visualizer is running for a special treat!

I just couldn't resist adding a Crom! tramp stamp to my dancing Sonja...real easy to do since the skins are simply .jpg files...

Awesome! Thanks Siegfried!


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