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Pembersih Wajah Alami Oatmeal & Madu

Pembersih wajah alami dengan bahan utama Oatmeal & madu, dengan bahan-bahan alami lainnya yaitu wortel, yogurt dan sari jeruk, cocok untuk jenis kulit normal-kering.

Bersihkan wajah dahulu dengan pembersih biasa.Gunakan 10ml jus wortel sebagai penyegar. Vitamin E dalam wortel dibutuhkan kulit.

Yogurt & oatmeal berguna untuk eksfoliasi dan menghaluskan kulit. Campur rata 2 sendok makan oatmeal dan 2 sendok makan yogurt tawar. Aplikasikan ke wajah, gosok lembut dengan gerakan memutar mulai dari dagu kearah atas melawan gravitasi kemudian, bilas bersih.

Madu untuk melembapkan kulit. Oleskan 2 sendok makan madu ke seluruh wajah, diamkan selama kurang lebih 10 menit. Bilas lagi sampai bersih.


Pemijatan membuka pori-pori kulit sehingga membantu penetrasi vitamin C yang ada dalam sari jeruk. Oles 2 sendok makan sari jeruk untuk memijat wajah. Terakhir, bilas dengan air hangat.


All Lipstick Discount on February

Selain mendapatkan discount besar-besarak untu semua Lipstick di bulan February, Beli Lipstick apa saja Oriflame mendonasikan Rp. 500,- untuk AMAL. Ayo gunakan kesempatanmu untuk menjadi cantik dan baik hati :)

Pemesanan bisa call Indri di 0816 100136.
Dapatkan diskon 23% dari harga product (baik yg tidak diskon maupun yang sedang diskon) jika kamu menjadi member Oriflame.

So gabung sekarang juga ke group-ku kalo ingin jadi Cantik & punya penghasilan tambahan :) Isi FORM ini ya.


Queen Of The Black Coast!

From Finland's Petri Hiltunen (that's Petri there on the left btw) and the one and only Robert E. Howard, comes this comic, a ginormous 46 page English translation of Howard's tale, Queen Of The Black Coast!!!

I first learned of its existence while gathering as much information as I possibly could about Sword, the most excellent brainchild of Spanish REH scholar, author, and all around nice guy, Carlos Yáñez.

According to another famous Spanish REH scholar, Manuel Barrero, this is in fact an adaptation by the great Carlos Yáñez! (which makes sense, because it arrived on my doorstep in Spanish, not Finnish).

So an equally massive thank you goes out to Petri and to Carlos, for bringing us this superb addition to REH fandom!

On a completely unrelated note, a happy hockey day in Canada to my fellow Canucks...it's been an extra special one for me, having the Olympic torch pass right by my house this morning!

Download via Megaupload or Rapidshare, or may Crom send you dooms!


Agar kembali fit setelah lama tak berolahraga

Kurang bergerak dan jarang berolahraga akan menyebabkan tubuh menjadi tidak fit. Agar kembali bugar cobalah kembali berolahraga secara teratur, plus istirahat yang cukup.

Karena anda sudah lama berhenti berolahraga, sebaiknya lakukan olahraga secara bertahap agar tubuh tidak ‘kaget’, yang bisa menyebabkan pegal-pegal dan sakit setelah berolahraga.

- Awali dengan olahraga yang paling ringan.
- Mulailah dengan berjalan kaki. Lakukan selama 2 minggu, dengan frekuensi 3-5 kali seminggu.
- Pada hari pertama berjalanlah semampu anda, misalnya 20 menit.
- Hari selanjutnnya, tambah 30 menit, begitu setersnya.
- Jika sudah merasa mudah melakukanya selama 30-45 menit, bisa diselingi dengan jogging.
- Misalnya 10 menit pertama anda berjalan kaki, kemudian jogging. Jika lelah jangan berhenti, tetapi teruskan dengan berjalan kaki. Setelah rasa lelah berkurang, lakukan jogging kembali.
- Anda bisa melakukan cara ini sampai tubuh anda terbiasa dengan joggong.
- Bila telah terbiasa, lakukan jogging selama satu jam secara teratur 3-5 seminggu.
- Tambahkanlah dengan latihan beban ringan (2kg), 2-3 kali seminggu.

Latihan ini di jamin mampu membuat tubuh anda kembali fit dan bugar.

Sumber: DR. Sadoso Sumosardjuno, SPKO – Majalah Femina


8 Minute Workout Yoga for Better Sleep

Forget counting sheep. Ease your way into dreamland with this five-move yoga routine from Edward Vilga, creator of the DVD Yoga in Bed: 20 Asanas to Do in Pajamas (yogainbeddvd.com, $19.95). The moves will relax your body and mind, but the best part is that you can do them all in bed!

Try this 5-move yoga routine to relax your body and mind before sleep. The best part? Each pose can be done in bed!

Upside-Down Relaxation


• Sit facing a wall (or your headboard) with your butt about 6 inches away from it.• Lie back and extend your legs up the wall.
• If this is too intense a stretch for your hamstrings, slide your butt farther away from the wall.
• If it's not enough, scoot closer.
• Let your arms rest by your sides, palms facing up, and breathe gently, feeling the stretch in the backs of your legs.

Winding Down Twist

Minutes: 2:00-3:00

• Sit cross-legged on the bed and exhale as you place your right hand on your left knee and left hand on the bed behind your tailbone.
• Gently twist your torso to the left.
• Allow your gaze to follow, looking over your left shoulder. Breathe deeply, then return to center and repeat on opposite side.

Nighttime Goddess Stretch

Minutes: 3:00-5:00

Lie on your back with knees bent.
Place the soles of your feet together, then let your knees fall open, forming a diamond shape with your legs.
Rest your arms on the bed.
If you feel any strain, elevate your legs by placing a pillow underneath each knee.

Child's Pose

Minutes: 5:00-7:00

• Sit up comfortably on your heels.
• Roll your torso forward, bringing your forehead to rest on the bed in front of you.
• Lower your chest as close to your knees as you comfortably can, extending your arms in front of you.
• Hold the pose and breathe.

Rock-a-Bye Roll

Minutes: 7:00-8:00

• Lying on your back, hug knees in to chest.
• Cross your ankles and wrap both arms around your shins with clasped hands.
• Inhale and rock your body up to sit; exhale as you roll back.
• Continue for 1 minute, then roll back, extend arms and legs, and drift off to sleep.

Here's more ways to a better nights sleep...

Source: http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/workout/yoga/poses/yoga-routine-before-sleep/


Menurunkan Berat Badan dengan Madu

Jangan disangka madu tidak dapat digunakan untuk berdiet, madu mengandung unsur gula yang sangat besar, karena unsur gula inilah maka madu menghasilkan stamina untuk menambah kekuatan stamina yang kemudian membuat kita bisa menahan lapar. Hal ini karena madu bisa men-supply tenaga untuk beraktfitas seharian tanpa kita perlu memenuhi nafsu makan yang bisa mengakibatkan kegemukan.

Dalam satu sendok madu kurang lebih terkandung 65 kalori. Berarti jika kita minum dua sendok madu di pagi hari, sama saja dengan mendapatkan asupan tenaga untuk beraktifitas untuk 2 – 3 jam. Jika dibandingkan dengan jumlah gula yang sama, kandungan kalori madu 40% lebih rendah. Walau memberi energi yang besar, madu tidak menambah berat badan. Untuk menurunkan berat badan, Anda dapat meminum madu 3 – 4 sendok makan di pagi hari dan bisa ditambah satu atau dua sendok makan sekitar jam 10 pagi.

Dengan cara ini Anda tidak akan terasa lapar pada siang hari karena energi masih cukup. Di malam hari Anda bisa minum dua sendok makan sebelum makan malam. Cara lainnya untuk mengurangi berat badan adalah dengan minum segelas air yang direbus bersama madu dan bubuk kayu manis setiap pagi 30 menit sebelum sarapan atau saat perut masih kosong.

Bila dilakukan secara teratur dapat mengurangi berat badan, bahkan bagi orang yang sangat gemuk, minum ramuan ini secara teratur akan mencegah lemak terakumulasi dalam tubuh, meski tetap makan makanan kalori tinggi.

Selamat mencoba dan semoga berhasil.

Sumber: klipingku.com


Your Highness

Natalie Portman
She appears in Your Highness.

Your Highness is the title of an upcoming fantasy comedy film to be released October 1, 2010. Filming for the production began in the summer of 2009 in Northern Ireland and is scheduled to conclude in the middle of October, 2009.

It's about.. A fantasy movie about an arrogant, lazy prince and his more heroic brother who must complete a quest in order to save their father's kingdom...

Natalie Portman & Danny McBride's "Your Highness" Trailer

Pre-trailer. First look at the upcoming movie "Your Highness" starring Danny McBride, star of "Eastbound and Down" and "Pineapple Express." "Your Highness" pairs McBride up with sexy James Franco and hot Natalie Portman. Your Highness is a stoner comedy in the vein of those 1980s fantasy, swords-and-sorcerors movies. Pack a bowl, put on your ren faire costume and check it out.


Eye Shadow Secret - The color that fits most skin tones

If you ever wondered what is the most versatile shade that
Add Image can be bright, playful, sultry and subtle then the answer is: Purple!

Experts say soft shades like lilac and violet are an easy way to add some pleasing color to your eye lid or when used as liner, especially if you’ve been wearing lots of neutral shades.

Purple eye shadow makes green eyes pop, brown eyes brighter, and gives blue eyes a cool iciness. It is the latest hue to make an impact on the trend list.

Top makeup stylists suggest that the most flattering purple is bluish lavender and that Fuchsia is the least flattering one. Always combine purples with other neutrals (golds, tans, taupes, browns) to avoid overkill.

Check out these celebrities below for some inspiration 
in the various ways that this violet hue can be worn:

Recommended Eye Make Up:

Giordani Gold Colour Quartet for eyes (2512)Rp. 219.000,-
Giordani Gold Brow Perfection Gel 4ml.(11283) Rp. 99.000,-

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Promo Katalog No. 10 October 2010
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6 Breakfast Foods that can sabotaging your Diet

We know eating breakfast makes a lot of sense -- it revs the metabolism, refuels the body and curbs those late-morning cravings for a sweet, fat-laden fix. On those rush-out-the-door mornings or the days we don’t feel like making breakfast, however, turning to packaged convenience foods or the drive-through window is oh so easy and simply ends up sabotaging the best of our healthy diet intentions. Here are some of the most common unhealthy grab-and-go breakfast foods along with healthier alternatives for a morning meal.

1. Breakfast croissants can crush your diet

There's a reason why croissants taste so buttery and delicious: They're loaded with butter -- or partially hydrogenated oil. For example, Aunt Jemima’s Sausage, Egg & Cheese on a Croissant Sandwich, from the freezer to the microwave, is a mini-meal of 350 calories. It contains more than a day's worth (2 grams) of trans fat from the partially hydrogenated oil in the white-flour croissant and a third of a day's saturated fat (7 grams) from the sausage and pasteurized process cheddar cheese. There's half a day's cholesterol (150 milligrams) from the egg patty and a full day's worth of sodium (680 milligrams) from all four of these culprits.

Basically, it's a McDonald's Egg McMuffin with trans and extra saturated fats, waiting to destroy your diet.

2. Breakfast sandwiches can pack on the pounds

Aunt Jemima, well known for her pancakes, now offers pancake sandwiches in the freezer aisle. The pre-made frozen Sausage, Egg & Cheese on Pancakes Griddlecake Sandwich consists of sausage, egg and cheese packed between pancakes with syrup flavoring. While it has no trans fat, it does boast 8 grams of saturated fat as well as an unhealthful mix of salt (930 milligrams of sodium) and sugar (11 grams). This hearty little morning meal weighs in at 360 calories.

3. Breakfast biscuits may bust your buttons

If you're gunning for a fast-food fix, that Burger King Breakfast Biscuit is 300 calories -- for a plain one. Add in the sausage, egg and cheese, and you'll end up consuming a whopping 590 calories, 40 grams of fat and 1,640 milligrams of sodium!
Hardee’s Monster Biscuit is another chart-topper when it comes to unhealthful breakfast sandwiches. It's a 700-calorie biscuit behemoth that contains nearly a full day’s worth of sodium (2,250 milligrams) and saturated fat (7 grams).

4. Super-quick French toast can pad your thighs super-fast

Bread dipped in eggs has wholesome breakfast beginnings, but when it's fried and altered with artificial preservatives and flavorings, it simply isn't a good choice. Consider those handy French Toaster Sticks by Eggo. One 220-calorie serving of two slices packs bad-for-you trans fats, artificial flavors and 11 grams of sugar

5. Instant oatmeal provides an instant hit of sugar

How can a grain as simple and good for you as oatmeal steer your diet wrong, especially when those new bowls-to-go packages make such a convenient breakfast on the run? Many of the instant brands wear the American Heart Association (AHA) seal, but companies pay for a product to wear that sign, as the authors of Eat This, Not That! Supermarket Survival Guide reveal. The fine print below the logo states that the product meets the AHA's "food criteria for saturated fat and cholesterol," but it could be high in sweeteners and contain additives, such as artificial flavorings and preservatives.

The Quaker Oatmeal Express Baked Apple bowl, for example, may be low in saturated fat, but it has 11 grams of sugar. Though it may be better than a Pop Tart (which has 16 grams of sugar), the Oatmeal Express is too sweet to be good for you.

6. Granola bars are more like breakfast candy

Oats, nuts and dried fruits are all good ingredients, but when they're held together with sugar -- or high-fructose corn syrup – they are nothing more than a candy bar, especially the chocolate-dipped and sugary yogurt-covered granola bars. Nature Valley’s Sweet & Salty Nut Granola Bars, for example, have 160 calories and 12 grams of sugar in one bar (if you only eat one out of the two-bar serving package).

Healthful breakfasts to tote

There are alternatives to these diet-destroying grab-and-go breakfasts. Some may take a little more effort, but they can save you money and keep you from padding fat on your trouble spots.

Here are some of our tastiest recommendations for healthier breakfasts:

• Mix plain yogurt with a few currants or dried cherries and a little honey, agave or pure maple syrup to sweeten.
• Combine milk, soy or almond milk with fruit, yogurt and a bit of nut butter for a delicious homemade smoothie.
• Opt for quick-cooking, large-flake oatmeal, popped in the microwave with water, and finished with milk, honey and fresh or frozen berries.
• Beat high-sugar packaged versions by making your own granola bars -- they're easy, and you can portion and freeze them until later.
• Pair cheese and whole-grain crackers that are low in sodium and trans fat for a satisfying on the go meal.

Diet-sabotaging - breakfast foods by Karen Hawthorne
Source: http://www.sheknows.com/articles/809740/breakfast-bloopers


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Interview with Benito Gallego!

CROM! reader, and crusading blogger, MilkManX, whose blog, Rebirth of Classic Comic Art, is devoted to the continuing appreciation of old-school ink-under-your-nails style of art that we all grew up on, posted a brilliant interview with renowned artist and John Buscema "student", Benito Gallego, whose work stands out as some of the best of the best and reminds us all of the heyday of Marvel's Conan the Barbarian comics.

You can read the full article HERE, and visit Mr. Gallego's deviantArt gallery HERE.

Super-mega-crazy-hella-awesome thanks to MilkManX for posting such a killer interview and sharing it with the readers of CROM!


Tips Menyiasati Dampak Kafein Dari Teh

Zat-zat stimulan yang terkadung dalam kafein seperti kafein teh (theine) sangat tinggi kadarnya sehingga dapat menghambat rantai produksi enzim-enzim dalam pencernaan.

Dosis untuk tubuh kita dalam menyerap kafein/hari adalah 300 mg, yaitu satu cangkir teh kira-kira 200cc.

Batas aman untuk sehari mengkonsumsi teh adalah 5 cangkir. Jika lebih dari 750 mg akan menyebabkan gangguan pada proses regenerasi sel.

Untuk itu, agar anda tidak berlebihan kafein ada beberapa cara untuk menyiasatinya. Berikut tipsnya:

1. Jangan pernah anda meminum teh pada saat makan atau sesudah makan. Karena zat gizi yang masuk kedalam tubuh akan dicuri oleh zat-zat stimulan teh.

2. Jangan meminum teh saat perut anda kosong. Usahakan isi dahulu perut anda dengan makanan atau buah-buahan sebelum meminum teh. Karena kafein akan merangsang produksi asam lambung sehingga membuat perut anda sakit.

3. Sebaiknya jangan menggabungkan sayuran yang banyak mengandung mineral dengan meminum teh.

4. Untuk wanita hamil sebaiknya hindari meminum teh. Karena kafein dan zat stimulan bisa merangsang kontraksi rahim dan mengganggu produksi kelenjar ASI. Selain itu dapat mengganggu pertumbuhan saraf otak pada bayi.

Sumber: Rileks.Com


Awet Muda dan Cerah dengan Madu & Lemon

Madu merupakan humectant yang berarti memiliki kemampuan untuk menarik dan mengikat kelembaban. Kemampuan kulit untuk mempertahankan kelembaban merupakan faktor penting untuk menjaga kelembutan, kekenyalan dan kelenturan kulit. Sejalan dengan bertambahnya usia, kulit kehilangan kemampuannya untuk mengikat air – yang mengakibatkan kulit kering atau keriput, sedangkan Lemon dapat mencerahkan warna kulit.


1. Ambil madu secukupnya dan campurkan beberapa tetes lemon yang kedalam madu(terutama untuk kulit berminyak)
2. Oleskan merata pada permukaan wajah.
3. Biarkan selama 15-20 menit sampai mengering.
4. Lakukan seminggu 3 kali.


25 Popular snacks: But how many calories?

Not everyone needs to snack. For some people - three square meals work fine. For others, snacking is a way of life. But, without some pre-planning, most snacks choices will keep you in a rut. Snacking healthy is a great way to maintain energy levels, manage hunger and prevent bingeing. To help motivate you to make healthier choices, let's take a look at some popular snacks, the surprising amount of calories they have and some alternative ideas for healthier eating:

1. Peanut butter and jelly sandwich with 8 ounce glass of milk – 555 calories. Instead try an apple with a bit of peanut butter for dipping.

2. Bagel with cream cheese and juice – 510 calories. Instead, try a fiber enriched English muffin with a bit of sugar free jam.

3. One slice of cheese pizza – 300 calories. Substitute pizza with a rice cake topped with mozzarella, cut up tomato and fresh basil.

4. Yogurt smoothie – 390 calories. Instead, have a small can of vitamin packed vegetable juice.

5. Peanut butter with a banana on toast - 390 calories. Better to skip the toast and peanut butter and just have the banana.

6. Chili cheese fries – 619 calories. Munch on dried peas instead.

7. Nachos with beans – 560 calories. Instead try about 10 blue organic corn chips with a small amount of hummus for dipping.

8. Four ounces of trail mix with chocolate chips or M & M's included – 582 calories. Instead eat a handful of grapes.

9. Tuna salad on five crackers – 440 calories. Omit crackers and have a small can of tuna sprinkled with favorite seasoning.

10. Granola bar with yogurt – 480 calories. Enjoy instead fat-free Greek yogurt sprinkled with granola and nix the high calorie granola bar.

11. Hostess fruit pie – 480 calories. For a healthier substitute, eat several pieces your favorite variety of dried fruit.

12. Nutter butter cream patties – 160 calories. Substitute with a handful of animal crackers.

13. Small French fries – 230 calories. Have carrot sticks instead. Similar shape, but only a fraction of the calories.

14. One good sized brownie – 450 calories. Instead, peruse health food store isle for healthier versions of sweet snacks. You'll be amazed at what is available!

15. Kit Kat bar - 218 calories. As an alternative, try their mini-version at only 40 calories.

16. Root beer float - 270 calories. Instead make a low-cal version using sugar-free root beer and one scoop of sugar free vanilla ice cream for only 50 calories!

17. Snickers chocolate bar – 280 calories. Have a bit-sized version for only 40 calories.

18. One chocolate chip cookie – 80 calories. Try a low fat version. Small chocolate milk shake - 240 calories. Sub out with small glass of chocolate soy milk.

19. Chips and salsa (15 chips) - 200 calories. Instead have a piece of whole grain crisp bread topped with low fat cottage cheese.

20. One medium sized hotdog with fixings – 315 calories. If you've got to have the meat, enjoy a small beef jerky stick.

21. Pepperoni Pizza Hot Pocket – 350 calories. Instead enjoy a bowl of low sodium soup.

22. Muffins – averaged to large-sized muffins can range up to 500 calories each. If you can't resist, choose a smaller sized whole grain or bran muffin.

23. 16 ounce soda - 150 calories. Instead have 100 fruit juice or antioxidant rich Acai juice.

24. Starbucks chocolate malt frappuccino with whipped cream – 610 calories. Instead, opt for a smaller version with low fat milk.

25. One ounce of cheese puffs - 160 calories. Instead, enjoy munching on veggie-based chips.

Source: http://www.sheknows.com/articles/806958/25-popular-snacks-but-how-many-calories


Bikini body breakfast recipes

Previous Article : Bikini Body Breakfast

Summer Berry Smoothie
Serves 1

1 cup fresh strawberries, sliced
1/4 cup blueberries
1 (6-ounce) container plain yogurt
1/4 cup orange juice
1 cup ice cubes

1. Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
2. Pour into a large glass and garnish with strawberry slices and blueberries.

Summer Muesli
Serves 4

2 cups rolled oats
1 cup low-fat milk
1 tablespoon honey
1 to 2 peaches, peeled and grated
1/4 cup chopped pecans
1 cup low-fat yogurt

1. Combine oats, milk and honey in a bowl and let soak in the refrigerator overnight.
2. When ready to eat, top oat mixture with peaches, pecans and a dollop of yogurt.

Summer Squash Quiche

Serves 6 to 8

1 (12-inch) whole wheat pie crust in a pie plate
1/2 red onion, diced
1 large shallot, diced
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 medium summer squash or zucchini, sliced
1 cup grated Gruyere cheese
1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese
2 tablespoons fresh thyme leaves
2 eggs
3/4 cup half-and-half
Salt and freshly-ground black pepper, to taste

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Place pie crust on a baking sheet.
2. Sauté red onion and shallot in olive oil until soft. Mix in squash and cook a few minutes until soft. Spoon vegetable mixture into the bottom of the pie crust.
3. Top vegetables with cheeses and sprinkle with thyme.
4. Combine eggs and half-and-half in a bowl and whisk well. Season with salt and pepper. Pour mixture over vegetables.
5. Bake for 45 minutes or until set and golden brown. Serve warm or let cool and refrigerate.

Source: http://www.sheknows.com/articles/809668/page:2


Bikini Body Breakfasts

When it’s bikini season, a carb-heavy breakfast like waffles, pancakes or bagels is a potential diet disaster. Wearing a skimpy bathing suit and feeling your best requires lighter, healthier foods that are also delicious and satisfying. The following bikini body breakfast tips and recipes will fill you up without filling you out and ensure you keep that beach-worthy physique.

Seven Tips For Healthy Summer Breakfast:

1. Don’t Skip Breakfast
It seems logical to skip breakfast when you know you’ll be baring a lot of skin. In the short-term, you see it as a fast-fix to avoid looking bloated. However, in the long-run, you could actually be doing your waistline more detriment; when lunch comes around you will be famished and probably eat more than you normally would. Another downside to skipping the most important meal of the day: You won’t have enough energy to enjoy swimming, playing volleyball, and flirting with those cute surfers!

2. Enjoy a fresh fruit smoothie
A fruit smoothie is not only refreshingly delicious, it also provides a bounty of nutrients. With every sip, you get calcium and protein from the milk or yogurt and a boost of antioxidants from the fruit. Even better, smoothies won’t weigh you down, so you’ll have lots of energy to have fun in the sun.

3. Add sparkle to your juice
Without even adding alcohol, you can have a delicious fruity mimosa with your morning meal. Simply add some sparkling water to your favorite juice (100 percent juice, of course!). You will not only get a refreshing beverage, you will also end up drinking fewer calories per glass.

4. Fill up on fruit

There is no better time than summer to take advantage of juicy, fresh-picked fruit. Use a variety of sweet pickings to top hot or cold cereals, mix with yogurt, or make a fresh fruit salad (make it with grilled fruit for a real treat).

5. Bake a quiche
A healthy and quick breakfast option is to bake a quiche. You can prepare it the night before and reheat it in the morning. You can make a light quiche by mixing eggs with summer vegetables, a modest amount of cheese, and milk for the perfect healthy meal. For an even lighter option, make it crust-free.

6. Be daring with dairy
Yogurt and cottage cheese are good healthy options for summer breakfasts. There are many luscious flavors of yogurt and different brands of cottage cheese that are ideal for culinary experimentation. Top them with fresh fruit and granola, dried fruit and nuts, or high-fiber cereal, or make a breakfast parfait to enjoy the tasty contrasting textures.

7. Make healthy mini-muffins

Giant bakery muffins pack hundreds of calories and can’t help but be fattening. However, healthy homemade mini-muffins that feature summer’s fresh fruit can be just as satisfying and have far fewer calories and grams of fat.

To be Continued: Bikini body breakfast recipes

Source: http://www.sheknows.com/articles/809668/summer-breakfast-recipes


Tips Hilangkan Komedo Membandel

Wajah yang mulus dan terbebas dari gangguan pasti impian setiap wanita. Tapi bayangkan bila wajah mulus Anda selalu terganggu dengan komedo yang membandel. Selain merusak penampilan, komedo dapat merangsang pertumbuhan jerawat.

Komedo muncul karena pori-pori kulit kita tersumbat oleh minyak (sebum), lapisan sel tanduk juga bakteri di permukaan kulit. Parahnya, bila tangan jahil kita sering mengorek komedo tersebut dapat meninggalkan bekas yag sulit dihilangkan. Namun jangan khawatir, karena ada tips agar terhindar dari masalah yang satu ini.

• Pakai kosmetik atau produk kecantikan oil free, noncomedogenic, serta waterbase, sehingga kulit kita tidak mudah tersumbat oleh minyak atau sebum.

• Rajin membersihkan wajah dua kali sehari. Tapi jangan juga mencuci muka secara berlebihan, karna akan membuat kandungan minyak wajah sebagai pelembab alami hilang.

• Stop pimping your nose!! Jangan pernah memencet hidung untuk menghilanglan komedo. Cara ini justru akan membuat kulit kemerahan dan meradang. Pori-pori pun akan bertambah besar.

• Masker wajah Anda dengan campuran putih telur dan madu yang dihangatkan. Tempelkan dengan kapas di bagian T wajah kamu hingga kering. Angkat perlahan dan bersihkan wajah dengan air hangat. Komedo pun akan tertempel pada permukaan kapas tanpa Anda sadari.

• Scrubing your nose. Sebelumnya lakukan steam dengan cara menguapi wajah dalam baskom berisi air hangat dan tutupi kepala dengan handuk lebar. Ini akan membuat pori-pori terbuka dan memudahkan proses scrubbing. Lalu, gosok secara perlahan daerah hidung dengan scrub wajah. Terakhir, bilas wajah dengan air bersih dan tutup kembali pori-pori dengan memakai toner. Lakukan perawatan ini maksimal tiga kali dalam seminggu.

• Facial dan Peeling wajah Anda secara teratur setiap dua minggu sekali. Dengan demikian, kotoran yang tersumbat di pori-pori akan terangkat secara maksimal. Dan penumpukan kulit mati akan terangkat.

• Konsultasikan ke dokter atau dermatologis bila komedo tetap saja membandel. Dengan demikian Anda akan mendapatkan penanganan yang lebih baik untuk masalah komedo Anda.

Sumber : Whatzups.com


Swords & Scrolls: Kaiser Crowbar Edition!

A while back I posted some actual letters from Swords & Scrolls, and challenged CROM! readers to come up with some witty responses. Well that didn’t go over so well, perhaps because the prize was lame, but more likely because nobody was about to top the responses left by the mighty Kaiser Crowbar!

Afterwards, I sent the Kaiser more actual letters, and asked him to work his magic once again...he kindly agreed!

Dear Sirs:

Issue #39: You really outdid yourselves. A new artist, a new price, wow. You can keep both. From now on I’ll read CONAN while standing in the bookstore. I surely won’t buy it again. I’m not that loyal a reader. Better come back to earth, ‘cause you’re not selling gasoline. Inflation, big deal. Figure a way to give us poor readers a break.

Randell Felps
(No address given)

Dear homeless guy,

You're going to start reading Conan while standing in the bookstore, huh? Well, I sure hope you don't strain yourself doing two things at the same time. We wouldn't want you to pull a muscle in your brain, after all. Actually, I think this would probably be a better idea, considering that you would otherwise sneak the issue under your threadbare, booze-smelling coat and walk out, you penniless bastard. It's a good thing we're not selling gasoline. You'd just siphon it out of our tanks in the middle of the night to use in that broken Gremlin (not for driving, no, but for keeping the heat on while you sleep in the backseat).

You know how much I care about the opinion of some “not that loyal a reader” named Randell? What kind of lame-ass name is Randell, anyway? I'm sure that would make a great name for a comic book character. Ran-Dell the Feral Bum: savagely shivving stray dogs, lost club-goers, and the occasional cop.

If you picked up a copy of issue #39, then I'm not surprised you were taken aback by the price. Issue #39 was our special holofoil gatefold cover special edition. Why put that on issue #39? Why the hell not? Of course, something that ridiculously collectible is going to cost more, because it's worth more.

As for the art, well, let's take a look at the special, limited edition cover and I'll see if there's anything wrong with it.

Nope. Seems fine to me.

How about some advice, Ran-Dell. First off, get yourself a decent job, one that pays well. Get yourself an apartment. Shower daily; that's very important. Get some buddies who have homes that don't say Frigidaire on the side. Hell, find yourself a nice girl; someone pretty. Get married, eventually, and buy a home together for you, your wife, your 2.5 kids, three cars, and a dog. And when you come home from a hard day of honest work; with your wife cooking dinner and your kids in the backyard; and you sit down in your La-Z-Boy to watch baseball or football, whatever you like; don't forget to pour yourself a nice, tall, cool, refreshing glass of SHUT THE HELL UP!

Wear some deodorant,
Kaiser Crowbar

P. S. - I'm going to send a letter to every bookstore in the US, letting them know that if they see an unshowered, lame-ass vagrant of a turd named Ran-Dell standing around, reading all their Conan magazines, they have the liberty to pummel you and lock you in a dumpster.

Re: CONAN #38.

You have finally done it! Turned the best mag in the comic world into a complete bunch of garbage!!

Bob Freeman
3345 Rowland
Lafayette, Ca.

Mr. Freeman,

We here at Conan take pride in having "the best mag in the comic world." This is something we are serious about, implementing 'round the clock quality checks, hiring the deadliest assassins money can buy, and using only the finest of ingredients. To say that what you received from us was a complete bunch of garbage is utter poppycock.

I'm going to take a stab in the dark, here. You didn't happen to purchase your copy of issue #38 from some homeless guy; a homeless guy who goes by the name of Ran-Dell the Feral Bum, did you?

Mr. Freeman, Bobby, Bob-O, Shama-lama-ding-dong, I hate to tell you this but, while we do have many reputable vendors for our fine comics, such as bookstores, comic book shops, even the magazine section of your local supermarket, the homeless guy who stands in the backlot of the liquor store in his pee-stained clothes is not one of them. I don't care if he's got the comic in a Ziploc bag, you shouldn't trust someone like that. Do you know where his hands have been? He's had them all over that comic book, I know that much. Look, homeless people are known for getting the most use out of the things they carry with them. With that in mind, I wouldn't be surprised if Ran-Dell has already used that issue of Conan as a pillow, a towel, a seat cushion, a Kleenex, toilet paper, and a jock strap before even selling it to you.

While it is our responsibility to make sure that you get the finest in sword & sorcery entertainment every month, it is your responsibility to make sure that you buy from a reputable vendor. Think not only of the quality of the product you're buying, but also the health and safety issues that you put yourself at risk by dealing with such people. Frankly, Mr. Freeman, I'm surprised you haven't contracted Gonorrhea yet.

Oh, one more thing. If you ever happen to come across that homeless Ran-Dell ever again, make sure to wear your heaviest steel-toed boots, that way, when you repeatedly stomp in his nuts, you'll be sure to give him the worst pain possible.

No, seriously, hurt him.
Just say no to the hobo,
Kaiser Crowbar

Dear Heinous Salami Suckers,

What’s this I hear about no more CONAN THE BARBARIAN stuff? Is this just a cruel hoax to increase publicity and sales, you evil money-sucking sons of goats? BRING BACK CONAN THE BARBARIAN YOU SHLUMPY, YAK-SMUGGLING, SEXUALLY DEPRIVED ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!
And furthermore, I blame you for the Exxon Valdez disaster and for putting George Bush in office.

Adam Fisher
(No address on Letter)

Okay, what the hell is with all these homeless people writing to me? Don't we have someone who screens these letters, or something? If the envelope doesn't have a return address, I don't want to read the damn thing!

Okay, Adam, I'm going to theorize that you quit your job to follow your dream of becoming a professional insulter. Considering how much you suck at it, I'm not surprised you're poor. Perhaps by using some of these incomprehensible insults you seem to like so much, you may realize how retarded you sound, throw away your stupid dreams, and return to the soul sucking despair of the working world along with the rest of us. Let's try it.

I don't know where you heard the rumor about Conan getting canceled, you butter-flavored, lesbian bee nipple, but it's not true. Only a fart-sniffing, hair-eating, King of Moronus would believe that. You know what, I bet it was that turd-smearing, sexually transmitted diseased son-of-an-ass-grabber Ran-Dell that told you that. Don't listen to him. He's a gut-fouling, pee-pee smelling dong wobbler.

As far as the blame game is concerned, I will admit that I do know who was responsible for the Exxon Valdez incident. The Abdominal Snowman got really drunk. He thought the ship was a giant piñata; full of candy, gold, and naked women. He bashed it open with an iceberg and, well, you get the idea.

He says he's really sorry and it won't happen again.

As for putting George Bush in office, I see you didn't really graduate from high school, did you? You see, there's this new concept called “democracy.” You may not have heard of it. It's only been around for the past 230 years, or so. In this “democracy,” people have something called “elections,” which are these big, drawn out affairs where the people of the United States get together and decide who's going to push them around and tell them what to do. I would imagine that you, a brain-burned caca man, would have no idea that this was going on. If you want someone to blame for that, blame everyone who voted for him (by the way, I did not; I was only ten at the time).

Of course, at the rate of my progress to total domination of the world, I wouldn't really worry about using up the small remainder of your brain cells on deciding who gets to trample you underfoot, because that will soon be me and you have no choice.

Go sleep under a train,
Kaiser Crowbar

P. S. - I have decided to address the growing problem of homeless people with a flame thrower.

Ahh, now these are the type of responses I would’ve loved to have seen from the editors at Marvel. Beautiful!

Now head on over and see what’s shaking on Kaiser Crowbar's Ablogcalypse. CROM’S ORDERS!


We Have a New Conan!

And here he is, Jason Momoa!

According to the article on /Film:

Recently we heard that Nu Image/Millennium and Lionsgate were looking at three actors as possible options to be the new Conan the Barbarian in the film to be directed by Marcus Nispel. There was Jason Momoa, from Stargate: Atlantis; Kellan Lutz from Twilight; and a third, then-unnamed actor who turned out to be Jared Padalecki. Now two sources are reporting that the choice has been made, and it is Momoa.

Latino Review and Deadline Hollywood (the latter being the source of the original casting info) broke the news at about the same time this evening. This is the first really interesting news that has come out about the film. At the time Momoa’s name came out as an option I noted that he had a great look for the character — he’s physically imposing, but also looks smart and calculating. He’s not just some brute, and therefore a lot closer to Robert E. Howard’s original version of the character than was Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Both sources report report that Momoa has been the top choice of Marcus Nispel, with LR saying that he charmed the hell out of execs and Deadline saying a few test scenes Nispel shot of Momoa in character were the tipping point. Either way, it’s an intriguing choice, and I’m happy to see that Kellan Lutz wasn’t chosen simply for the fact that he’s in Twilight.

Additionally, Latino Review is hearing that Mickey Rourke has been offered a role as Conan’s father. That’s just an offer for now, but we’ll keep on top of the cast as it develops. Shooting is scheduled for March in Bulgaria.

Before Conan hits, Momoa will be seen in the HBO adaptation of George R.R. Martin’s Game of Thrones, with the pilot directed by Thomas McCarthy.

Well, there it is, fellow Conan fans! Let's hear your thoughts!


Cereal for Lunch = Loss 1,8kg in 2 Weeks

Sebuah penelitian di Purdue University menunjukkan, menyantap sereal di waktu makan dapat membantu Anda menurunkan berat badan.

Para sukarelawan yang menyantap sereal ternyata mengonsumsi rata-rata 640 kalori lebih sedikit setiap hari dan berhasil menghilangkan kurang lebih 1,8 kilogram berat tubuh dalam 2 minggu.

Menurut penulis penelitian, Richard Mattes, M.P.H., Ph.D., R.D., pendekatan ini mengajarkan Anda cara mengontrol diri dengan mengonsumsi makanan yang sederhana dan mudah disantap.

Pilihlah sereal yang mengenyangkan dan mengandung banyak serat dan santaplah dengan susu rendah lemak.

Sumber: http://www.caninews.com/


Ngemil Almond = Langsing

70 butir perhari, persisnya.

Ini adalah jumlah kacang almond yang dikonsumsi sukarelawan setiap hari selama 6 bulan, dalam percobaan yang dilakukan di City of Hope National Medical Center.

Tujuannya adalah untuk menurunkan berat tubuh sebanyak 18%.

Penulis penelitian, Michelle Wien secara khusus menyebutkan bahwa kemampuan almond untuk memberi rasa kenyang pada tubuh memegang peranan penting.

"Almond adalah makanan yang sangat bergizi dan mengandung lemak tunggal tak jenuh yang menyehatkan, protein, juga serat. Kombinasi ketiganya akan memberikan rasa kenyang,"

Pilih almond yang tidak asin, mentah, atau dipanggang kering.
15 sampai 20 butir dapat menjadi pengganti cemilan Anda.

Cobalah 50 butir untuk menggantikan menu makan siang Anda.

Sumber: http://www.caninews.com/


Mengusir Jerawat dengan Daun Pepaya

Kandungan enzim papain, alkaloid karpaino, psudokarpaina, glikosid, karposid dan saponin, sakarosa, dekstrosa serta levulosa pada daunnya ternyata memiliki khasiat untuk mengatasi jerawat.

Bahan yang diperlukan hanya 2-3 lembar daun pepaya tua.

Cara meracik:

1. Ambil beberapa lembar daun pepaya tua yang telah disediakan tadi dan tumbuk sampai halus.
2. Bila sudah halus, tambahkan kira-kira satu setengah sendok air.
3. Oleskan ke wajah terutama pada bagian yang berjerawat.


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