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Princess Diana Wedding

Princess Diana Wedding : The fairy tale wedding was imminent. Diana was on the eve of her wedding to bed early and, amazingly, she managed the house of the Queen Mother soon to fall to sleep.

Her engagement ring, an 85 000 Mark was more expensive sapphire ring with 14 diamonds on her bedside table. As her new life would look like Princess of Wales? Had she made the right decision? Would she take it, are constantly in the public eye? But for such doubts, it was too late. Early in the morning Diana took a hot bubble bath.

They brought her tea and toast with orange marmalade in the room, but she only sipped a little tea. This heart pounding! You could not hear it in England? She was overwhelmed at the sight of the cheering masses, who had already gathered for days.

Diana's favorite beautician came with a large suitcase full of make-up, powder and rouge to Clarence House. She wore very little paint on the face of Lady Di, but quite a lot of tear-resistant mascara. Diana should look fresh and innocent when she stood before the altar. Then appeared Elizabeth and David Emanuel, the designers of her wedding dress, and Diana helped to dress.

It was a beautiful gown of ivory silk with an almost eight-meter-long train. The tight bodice was covered with valuable lace, shirred sleeves and richly decorated with ribbons. It cost 25 000 DM Unfortunately, these designers do not take into account the narrowness of the glass coach, which was to bring Diana and her father to St. Paul's Cathedral. When the bride emerged from the coach, the dress was crumpled and full of wrinkles.

But that fact did the beauty and grace of the bride not diminish. Diana appeared to all viewers as a fairy tale creature.

Charles, in the gala uniform of the Navy, was waiting with the royal family and all guests in the Cathedral. Diana's mother Frances and her grandmother, Lady Ruth Fermoy could take close to the royal family court, had to make do during stepmother Lady Raine and the new husband of Frances with the rear seats.

Over 700 million people from 58 countries watched on television, as the bride walked down with her father, the long central aisle to the altar. The Earl of Spencer had tears in his eyes, because it was not only the biggest day in the life of his daughter but also in his! He limped a little but he was none the less regal dignity and pride.

The wedding of Princess Diana The solemn ceremony was not without minor breakdowns. Diana confused with their vows, the order of the names of Charles, named him Philip Charles Arthur George was Prince Charles to the joke enraptured: "Diana, you have just married my father," Even the heir to the throne a mishap, he protested: ".

All your goods I will share with you. "Of course he must speak of his worldly goods. He put his wedding ring on the left hand. But what Charles happened at the worst, was the fact that he was Diana forgot after the wedding kiss. Was it a bad omen? The wedding ceremony at St. Paul's Cathedral, which held the Archbishop of Canterbury, lasted nearly half hours.

The wedding of Princess Diana The subsequent carriage ride to the palace, the cheering crowd, the most experienced, but still so strange waving completed, Princess Diana in a trance. What might have felt at the 20-year and thought in those moments? She looked so relaxed, laid back and happy.

The pressure had been lifted from her soul. She had now made it. Yes, Lady Diana Spencer was the legally wedded wife of the future king of England! She enjoyed the bath in the crowd, the deafening cheer when she was on the balcony of the royal palace of a kiss Charles on the mouth.

In this unforgettable moments Diana felt chosen by God and the world: I am a princess and will one day Queen of England. HURRAY. Afterwards, the couple still went on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, where they kissed in front of the cheering people.

The perfect couple spent the first night of Broadlands, where even the parents Charles spent her wedding night. Spent their honeymoon the newlywed couple on the royal yacht Britannia. A Mediterranean cruise was on the program, a gift from the Queen. Alone and undisturbed, however, were not Charles and Diana. Because, of course, a staff of servants was there.

But not only that Charles took advantage of the free time to read science books and even brought to his old fishing tackle. What a disappointment for Diana! She dreamed of romantic sunsets on the deck, tightly entwined with Charles wanted to have breakfast with him in bed, dancing under the starlit sky. Queen Elizabeth was thinking but practical and built several official appointments to the program: If the couple already Tunisia, Sardinia, Greece, Egypt, visits will not hurt a couple of official visits.... Eleven days took the cruise that Diana, despite all really enjoyed.

The wedding of Princess Diana just after it went to Scotland. At Balmoral Castle already waited the Queen and her husband Prince Philip on the perfect couple? In the circle of the royal family, Diana and Charles should therefore spend the rest of their wedding holidays. How very romantic! The heir to the throne did not notice the disappointment of his young wife.

For him there could be just nothing better than long rides, walks and hunting trips. Diana did not dare to complain. From all sides they received before the wedding the Council to submit. Also and especially by her father, she was admonished to be allowed to marry the honor in the royal family to be worthy. She wanted that, but suspect they could all would be as difficult, so formally?


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