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Accident Under the Bridge - Available Light Photography

One night, my youngest son and I were out playing with the camera taking some hand-held available light photos.  No, we did not come upon an accident that just happened, but this shot of debris under a bridge made us think of one.  The lone tire, scattered debris, headlight shining on the bush from some upward area, and finally, a piece of driftwood lying face down with its right calf open and moist made for an interesting photograph.  Fortunately, nobody was directly injured, although I am sure that the tire and other junk can't be good for the environment, and during the day it is a real eyesore.

At about the same time, we also went out and took some pictures of the Perseids meteor shower using a tripod.  In addition to learning some cool things about art, nature, and science, he was learning about such boring inane things as shutter speed, aperture, depth of field, camera shake, focal length ......

In the end, after a slight diversion from a five foot rattlesnake making its way across the road in front of us as we looked for a place to park, our greatest fun was being up almost all night in the middle of nowhere looking up at the beautiful vast heavens and spending quite time together. 

I will post some more night pictures on my website at http://www.BestDigitalShots.com 


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