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Conan Online Comic!

Hail Fellow Conan Fans!

I got an e-mail the other day from regular CROM! reader, Robert from Phoenix, AZ, and he tipped me off to this awesome online comic book based on our favorite son of Cimmeria. This is a jam session kind of thing with several artists taking a page from the script and all working together as pencilers, inkers, colorists and letterers to produce one of the best online comics I have ever seen.

No true Conan fan should go without taking a look at this!

Here are some samples...




Besure to check out the "Extras" section for cool behind-the-scenes sketches and production designs, like the ones below...



You can see it in all of its gory glory right HERE!

Special thanks again to Robert for showing us this and mad props to the creators and artists of the excellent online Conan comic!

Natalie Portman - Anywhere but Here

Natalie Portman June 08 Glossy images block busterIn 1999, Natalie Portman role as Ann August in Anywhere but Here...

Anywhere but Here is a 1999 drama film. Anywhere but Here film is based on the novel by Mona Simpson, the screenplay was written by Alvin Sargent and directed by Wayne Wang. Anywhere but Here was produced by Laurence Mark, Petra Alexandria and Ginny Nugent. It stars Susan Sarandon and Natalie Portman as well as Ray Baker, Shawn Hatosy, Caroline Aaron, Corbin Allred, Michael Milhoan and John Carroll Lynch.

Natalie Portman images jew of the dayThe story, by Mona Simpson, bears some similarities to Simpson's own youth, as a young Wisconsin girl who moves west to California with her divorcee mother, Joanne, although Simpson denies any literal ties.

Filming began in late June 1998 and it debuted at the Toronto Film Festival on September 17 in 1999, before being released on November 12.

Anywhere but Here, Directed by Wayne Wang; Produced by Laurence Mark; Written by Mona Simpson (novel), Alvin Sargent (screenplay); Starring Susan Sarandon, Natalie Portman; Music by Danny Elfman; Distributed by 20th Century Fox; Release date(s) November 12, 1999 (USA); Running time 109 min; Language English

Halle Berry Flaunting her Beautiful Rack

The Complete Chronicles of Conan by Robert E. Howard

The Complete Chronicles of Conan is now available on Amazon.com, well, depending who who ask. I got an e-mail from Amazon informing me that the book, which collects every single Conan story by Robert E. Howard, will go on sale April 1st (which may be a joke, haha) but the Amazon page itself, says it's available now. Either way, it could soon be yours!


It's a beautiful hardback running at around a thousand pages and illustrated throughout, including one gorgeous color-plate that you can see here...


So if you ever wanted every Howard story all in one volume, now's your chance!

Sexy Body tattoo and Tattoo art

Conan Comics Haul!

Hail All! It's been a while since I last posted, but things have been slow in the lands of Hyboria. However, yesterday I found a stack of Conan comics at my local favorite used book store, each one for 25 cents! That leaves me enough gold left over for a flagon of cheap wine, a belly full of hot mutton and a roll or two with a lusty wench!

Check this stack out...











That'll fill in some gaps in the collection! But the best prize of all with this Giant Size Conan #5, featuring the famous team-up of Conan and Elric!


Okay, gotta go. I've got some comics to read!

Tara Reid Cleverage Images

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