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Malcolm Woldenberg and Stephen Goldring

In Woldenberg Park, New Orleans, Uncle Mal explains to my son and another child about mankind’s great social responsibilities. Malcolm Woldenberg and Stephen Goldring were successful business men, prominent leaders and committed philanthropists who gave to numerous health, education, welfare and cultural organizations. Their work continues today through the Goldring Family Foundation, Woldenberg Foundation and other family foundations.

Mssrs. Goldring and Woldenberg founded Magnolia Marketing Company and built it into one of the largest liquor distributing companies in the United States and one of the largest privately held companies in New Orleans. Both men were civic minded and socially responsible. The men and their foundations supported and continue to support such institutions as Tulane University (Tulane’s Freeman School of Business undergraduate, graduate and executive programs are housed in Goldring/Woldenberg Hall and Goldring/Woldenberg Hall II), the University of New Orleans (Ogden Museum's Stephen Goldring Hall), the Jewish Federation of New Orleans, the Anti-Defamation League, Temple Sinai, the Henry S. Jacobs Camp, Touro Infirmary, the Audubon Institute, United Way, the Jewish Children's Regional Service, Lakeshore Hebrew Day School, Children's Hospital, the Dorothy and Malcolm Woldenberg Orthopedic Hospital and Rehabilitation Center and numerous other causes.

You can learn more about Malcolm Woldenberg and Stephen Goldring at numerous places, to include, The Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life, The Freeman School of Business, and The Jewish Community of New Orleans by Irwin Lachoof and Catherine C. Kahn, published 2005 by Arcadia Publishing.

Fortunately, my son and I met Mr. Woldenberg via his statue and namesake park located between the French Quarter and Mississippi River. We would appreciate any comments or feedback from anyone who knew these gentlemen or anyone who has been touched by their generosity.

VIDEO Gemma Atkinson - Hollyoaks in the City cleavage

video Gemma Atkinson Hollyoaks cleavage

Video of Gemma Atkinson - Hollyoaks cleavage

(video hosted on rapidshare.com 5.5mb)

Thanx to the artist.

Gemma Atkinson Boobs Picture

This is another modelling-shoot photograph, showing Gemma Atkinson topless covering herself with her arm. Gemma is also wearing black bikini bottoms although the picture does look a little airbrushed in places.

gemma atkinson boobs

The Blessing

I took this picture on a July 4th after the start of the war in Iraq. At that time, the death toll was already in the thousands. The picture has significant meaning to me. It was between rain showers and my family and I were visiting the USS North Carolina in Wilmington, North Carolina.

My father served in the U.S. Army during Korea and Vietnam. He received numerous combat and peacetime medals and awards. For his heroic actions during a plane crash in the frozen Sea of Japan, he received the Soldier’s Medal. The Soldier’s Medal is awarded to a soldier who, while serving in any capacity with the Army of the United States, distinguished himself or herself by heroism not involving actual conflict with an enemy. The same degree of heroism is required as for the award of the Distinguished Flying Cross. The performance must have involved personal hazard or danger and the voluntary risk of life under conditions not involving conflict with an armed enemy.

After growing up as an Army brat, I too entered the Army (post Vietnam) as a helicopter pilot. I served on active duty as a pilot and instructor pilot and recently retired from the Army Reserves. In the big scheme of things, my sacrifices were not great, only minor.

As I framed the above photograph, I thought of the great sacrifices in the military that many have made and many continue to make (not just soldiers, sailors and airman, but their families and friends). Recently, I saw a show on PBS that was covering (at that time) the most recent deployment (I believe it was their third deployment) of soldiers from the Third Infantry Division at Fort Stewart, Georgia. The “Rock of the Marne” is one of the Army’s most decorated divisions. Since its activation in 1917 it has suffered over 50,000 wartime casualties. Its most famous member was Audie Murphy, America’s most decorated soldier. I only give you this information for background and for you to know of the 3rd Division’s character. While it has a strong lineage and famous background, it is made up of regular American men and women. It was the statement of the wife of one of these regular men that struck me and stayed with me. When she was asked about the war, her reply was that they (the soldiers and families) were at war while the rest of the Country was at the mall. I think the truth of that statement escapes most of us. I know it had escaped me. Sadly, because of politics, the media and us, the people not directly involved with the war, the continuous sacrifices of those at war and their families is not appreciated and rarely thought of.

Finally, as I looked at the American flags, yellow ribbons and the church in the background, I thought of the greatness of our Country, patriotism and that we are “One Nation under God” and it is in “God We Trust.” I was reminded that most of our original colonies were settled by people with strong religious convictions and that our ancestors who rose up against the British in 1776 were, as a group, religious people. I still believe that in America, God and Country are intertwined and that they continue to be the basis for our greatness. I am thankful for the freedoms we have to worship God as we choose and while intertwined, I know that it is the separation of church and state that allows us to keep these freedoms and remain strong.

Recently, the importance of God, sacrifice, our legacy, country, family and life (both earthly and eternal) was brought home to me in a song written by John Waller and Troy Denning and sung by John Waller and Mark Hall of Casting Crowns. The lyrics for “The Blessing” are shown below.

THE BLESSING (Deuteronomy 30:19) J.Waller & Troy

Let it be said of us / while we walked among the living / let it be said of us / by the ones we leave behind / let it be said of us / that we lived to be a blessing for life / let it be said of us / that we gave to reach the dying / let it be said of us / by the fruit we leave behind / let it be said of us that our legacy is blessing for life / this day / you set life, you set death right before us, this day / every blessing and curse is a choice now / and we will / choose to be a blessing for life / let it be said of us / that our hearts belonged
to Jesus / let it be said of us / that we spoke the words of life / let it be said of us / that our heritage is blessing for life /chorus/ for your Kingdom / for our Children / for the sake of every nation

You can here the song at John’s MySpace page:

Please post your comments and enjoy the song “The Blessing” and God’s blessing. May you witness, sacrifice and be a blessing to life.

Gemma Atkinson Sunbathing With Friend

Here is a photograph of Gemma Atkinson sunbathing once again, this time with another of her friends.

gemma atkinson with friend

An Offering of Eternal Peace

Recently, members of my church in conjunction with a sister church went on a mission trip to Peru. It was an evangelical trip with the purpose of talking with Peruvians in a few small towns about Christ, salvation and having a personal relationship with Christ. I was able to take numerous pictures. The photograph above of a city commissioner from a small town holding out an olive to us had special significance to me.

Why go to Peru? Christ commands us in the great commission as follows: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew 28:18-20). Further, Christ instructs us that we will be his “witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8). Therefore, we are to witness locally, in our state, country and throughout the world.

Ok, why the importance of the olive to me. After driving for hours through the desert on the Pan-American Highway, the last thing I expected to see at our destination was tons of olives. Olives and the olive tree have a special significance in the Bible. Most of you have probably heard the expression, “to offer someone an olive branch.” It means an offering of good will or peace. The history of its meaning can be traced back to Noah when he released the dove from the ark and it returned with an olive branch signifying that the flood was receding and that God had taken mercy on mankind. (Genesis 8:11). Olives were an important crop during Biblical times and a failed olive crop impacted the whole economy. However, even with a failed olive crop (or our present day equivalent), we can find peace by trusting in God.

Though the fig tree does not bud
And there are no grapes on the vines,
though the olive crop fails
and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the pen
and no cattle in the stalls,
yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
I will be joyful in God my savior.
The sovereign Lord is my strength;
he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
he enables me to go on the heights.
(Habakkuk 3:17-19)

We can have this same peace and joy today. As Paul tells us,

The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about
anything, but in everything, by prayer and
petition, with thanksgiving, present your
requests to God. And the peace of God, which
transcends all understanding, will guard your
hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
(Philippians 4:8)

You can have the same peace as Habakkuk and as described by Paul regardless of your circumstances. Our olive branch is Christ.

We have salvation by grace through faith alone. Because of man’s sin, our sin, we are guilty before God and the price for our sin is death. By grace, God sent his only begotten Son to live in this world, be crucified on the cross and raised from the dead. By the precious blood of Jesus we are cleansed of our sins. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) There is only one path to salvation and eternal life and that path is through Christ.

To be saved and have eternal life and peace:

1) Admit that you are a sinner,
2) Be willing to turn from sin (repent)
3) Believe that Jesus died for you, was buried and rose from the dead, and
4) Through prayer, invite Jesus into your life to become your personal savior.

Your prayer can be as simple as follows:

Dear God, I am a sinner and need forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ shed His precious blood and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I now invite Christ to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you have prayed and asked Jesus to forgive you and save you, we would like to hear from you. Please let us know if you have any questions about salvation. You can post your questions or comments or email us. For more information on missions, visit
http://www.namb.net/ or http://www.imb.org/

High Museum of Art Atlanta

I have had the pleasure of visiting the High Museum of Art in Atlanta numerous times. While the individual works of art and collections are magnificent, the architecture is equally breathtaking. On one particular day, I was fortunate to capture a lone person on the bottom floor as I shot from above. I believe that the lighting, shapes, color and absence of any other person make for an excellent black and white photograph. Although many of the museum's guests looked at me strangely as I photographed the High's ceiling, walls, stairs and floor (rather than the real art), I captured many exquisite black and white photos.

The original High Museum opened in 1905. In 1983, the museum opened its Richard Meier designed building. Meier's architecture received critical acclaim and was voted one of the ten best works of American architecture of the 1980s. Because of the museum's tremendous growth, the High expanded the museum and in 2005, it opened three new buildings designed by Italian architect Renzo Piano. Fortunately, the Piano additions seem to add rather than detract from Meier's original work.

The High has a wonderful permanent exhibit and since 2006 it has had the distinct honor of displaying pieces from the Louvre. The Louvre exhibits will run through 2009. In 2006 and 2007 Louvre Atlanta displayed The Royal Collections. Currently, you can view the The Louvre and the Ancient World exhibit which runs through September 2008. Finally, The Louvre of Today and Tomorrow starts October 2008 and runs through September 2009.

You can find out more about The High at http://www.high.org/ and more about Louvre Atlanta at http://www.lourveatlanta.org/ Please let me know about your visit to the High.

Gemma Atkinson Nuts Feb 2008

Kerri Walsh and Misty May-Treanor

This photograph was taken of Kerri Walsh and Misty May-Treanor (aka Turtle) during a press session at an AVP event. Both are exceptional athletes who remain at the top of their game on the court and off. During play they were driven and focused; however, between matches they spent time with fans and openly displayed their graciousness to the cheering crowds.

This week marks the opening weekend of AVP volleyball. Today, Kerri and Turtle won the women's AVP Cuervo Gold Crown Miami Open. The team of Phil Dalhausser and Todd Rogers successfully defended their men's title.

Founded in 1983, the AVP is made up of the best professional beach volleyball players in the world. It is the country's only pro beach volleyball tour and it has a cooperative relationship with USA Volleyball and the FIVB. AVP events are exciting and the players demonstrate amazing athletic prowess. You will be able to get up close to 2004 Athens Summer Olympics gold medalists Walsh and May-Treanor and bronze medalists Holly McPeak and Elaine Youngs as well as other champions and future Olympic medalists.

The Beijing Summer Olympic games are just around the corner and will be held at the Chaoyang Park Beach Volleyball Ground from August 9-22, 2008. Be sure to support your AVP favorites in the games.

You can learn more about the AVP, beach volleyball or your favorite player by visiting its website at
http://www.avp.com/. The AVP Crocs Tour runs now through the end of September.

Cub Scouts Prepare for U.S. Flag Retirement

The boys' seriousness and respect moved me. After taking the picture, I realized it displays a small cross section of our American society as well. Because it was low light, I used a very high ISO. The result was a bit grainy, so I used a dry brush effect on the original photograph. Most people like the effect and some friends and family have the photo matted and displayed in their offices and homes.

Before the ceremony, I did not know of the proper way to dispose of a worn U.S. flag. The U.S. Code at 4 USC Section 8(k) states, "The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning." Section 8 of the U.S. Code also provides, "No disrespect should be shown to the flag." I found that many locations on the web discuss law and etiquette regarding the U.S. flag. If your flag is worn to the point of not being proper for display, I recommend that you deliver it to your local scout troop, local government or American Legion Post.

Gemma Atkinson Licking

This is another modelling photograph showing Gemma Atkinson licking her fingers whilst holding a pot of jam. In the picture Gemma is wearing violet coloured underwear.

gemma atkinson licking

Gemma Atkinson Underwear Daily Star E-Edition 8 April 08.

Gemma Atkinson Underwear Daily Star E-Edition 8 April 08.
Gemma Atkinson Underwear Daily Star E-Edition 8 April 08.
Gemma Atkinson Underwear Daily Star E-Edition 8 April 08.
Gemma Atkinson Underwear Daily Star E-Edition 8 April 08.

Sexy Gemma Atkinson Picture

This is yet another sexy photograph showing Gemma Atkinson in black swimwear sat over the edge of a swimming pool whilst away on holiday a few months back.

gemma atkinson sexy

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